Hi, my name is Debra.
I decided to write this blog because of everything I have been through with my health that could have been prevented, and what I have discovered in order to help myself, as I believe that what I now know may help others to avoid similar issues for themselves.
I was injured quite a few times by “safe” drugs, twice that I can actually prove.
First, I was give an antibiotic after surgery some years back, a new drug called Cipro…shortly afterward I had issues with tendons snapping and popping, and nerve pain. Doctor suggested that my muscles were too large for my tendons? He had no other ideas about the cause, and I had to have surgery to repair Achilles tendon ruptures, but that did not help nerve pain at all. Many years went by with no doctors being able to give any causes for my issues.
After much research I found information on Cipro which showed connective tissue disorders and the tendon rupturing as a potential side effect, along with nerve damage. Amazing what is discovered after a drug has been out awhile. They are still prescribing it.
Some more years down the road, the connective tissue disorder caused me problems with trigger fingers and Dupuytren’s contracture, which led to an MRI with contrast in order to diagnose what was causing these issues. After the MRI I gradually started feeling worse and worse. Nerve issues increased, tests showed there was damage, but was not able to show cause…..connective tissue disorder ramped up to the point I tore out all my rotator cuff tendons trying to open a stuck screen door. Doctor told me it was not repairable, and wanted to do a shoulder replacement. I lost 2 tendons in my right arm, and had to have my right elbow rebuilt. I decided to have stem cell therapy for my shoulder rather than replacement…..best option I could have picked. I had it done at TAPS in Pittsburgh. Of course, insurance doesn’t cover this option. While it wasn’t able to fully repair the problems, I can do about anything I need to and have much less pain.
I developed skin lesions all over my body, which was aggravated badly by the sun, and indoor lighting as well. Dermatologist said it was psoriasis; I requested a skin biopsy because sunlight is supposed be good for psoriasis, and this condition was worsened by it. Pathology report came back that while it resembled psoriasis, it was not.
Ask someone who is sick and DYING, and they will tell you that they are aware they are dying. I knew I was dying, but I knew I wasn’t getting help from the so-called “professionals”; so, I sat down and prayed, and asked the creator for help, because if I didn’t get it figured out soon, I wouldn’t be here much longer.
I decided to find a holistic dentist to remove all my amalgam fillings, thinking they were older and may be releasing mercury into my system…..because I felt I had been poisoned by something. This dentist saved my life because she suggested a urinalysis to check my heavy metal levels to see how high my mercury might be. (I am an herbalist and was using cilantro to help chelate mercury out of my system) The tests came back, and the mercury levels were not too bad, probably because of using the cilantro. HOWEVER, the dentist said I had high levels of GADOLINIUM, a heavy metal. I asked what gadolinium was…..and the dentist asked if I ever had an MRI with contrast? I said yes, a few years ago, but I was told it would flush out of my body in a few days. Dentist said, well, it didn’t.
Folks, I was directly injected with a heavy metal, and when I told my PCP about it, I was told that the test had to be BOGUS, because I had normal kidney function, which means it should have flushed out of me. I finally showed enough evidence to my PCP that I was “believed”, and I wanted to go to the Mayo clinic because they were doing trials to determine what was causing this to happen in some people….I needed a paper from my PCP to enter the trials, but was told my PCP’s “employer” wouldn’t approve it. I could go into a rant about this, but I am past that stage now.
As I said earlier, I am an herbalist, and knew what could help my condition, NOW THAT I KNEW THE CAUSE.
I need to state right now, I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. This is what I did that helped my body flush out the toxins, and start the healing process….. Please read, do your own research, and discuss with your medical/holistic practitioner before trying anything that I did for myself.
Also, I will provide an Amazon link to the products I used to get better. I signed up as an Amazon associate to make a few cents from qualifying purchases…..maybe it will help me pay some medical bills, while helping others.
First, I got off ALL starches and sugars, and started eating clean Keto. Starchy carbohydrates and sugar cause inflammation which is the root of ALL disease. I did this while intermittent fasting. I started right away on a product called NCD2 https://amzn.to/4bTsKn4 to chelate toxins from my body. I used this every 8 hours, 6 drops each time. In 3 days, my skin lesions started to disappear (much to my Doctor’s amazement). I then went on a water fast for 7 days to increase autophagy ( a condition where your body breaks down old and damaged tissues and rebuilds it) for healing, while continuing the NCD2 (which I use to this day to remove toxins from my body). I made sure to use Keto Chow minerals https://amzn.to/3wxRqSd to keep my electrolytes balanced while fasting
I started a probiotic called Seven-lac https://amzn.to/3Tnh4Cd to replace good bacteria, that along with the low carb diet, healed my digestive system from “leaky gut” stopping toxins and undigested food particles from getting into my bloodstream (causing more inflammation) improving absorption of anything I ate, and bolstering my immune system. Your gut is the first line of defense of your immune system. Antibiotics ruin your gut by killing off GOOD bacteria, not just bad; quality probiotics are needed after any antibiotic treatment.
I stopped using all pain relievers, like ibuprofen, as most are shown to break down your connective tissue, and should not be used long term. I use White Willow bark https://amzn.to/3TaSHra (natural form of aspirin) for pain and I also started using agmatine sulfate https://amzn.to/49vji7U 1.5 grams a day for nerve pain while I am healing my damaged nerves.
I made sure I was taking a good whole foods vitamin and mineral supplement https://amzn.to/3uM00w4, the best vitamin D3& K2 supplement available https://amzn.to/42T0oFy (most people north of Atlanta are vitamin D deficient, and K2 is needed to utilize it) it is needed for most bodily functions including thyroid, and connective tissues; plus magnesium https://amzn.to/42VcAFV (needed for muscles, connective tissues and calcium utilization. Taking calcium supplements without D3, K2 and magnesium (these allow proper absorption of calcium), calcium can store at inappropriate areas in your body (like arteries and kidneys) and cause plaque and stones, etc. Funny doctors don’t seem to know this…..along with many other things.
I have improved dramatically since my injuries from bad drugs. The connective tissue problems are SO much better and it will take a long time for nerve damage to heal, but it has started. I worry how many people this type of situation has happened to that never were able to figure out the cause and are no longer with us or continue to suffer right now. I needed to let others know that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and I pray for everyone who may be in the same type of situation right now. I just hope my story can help others somehow.
May God Bless You,